Monday, March 16, 2009

Water Everywhere.....

I'm starting to feel like the Ty-D-Bol guy with all this rain. Has been raining here for three straight days and the ground is saturated.

"Ya think there's a little clay in the soil here ?"

This picture was taken before the rain started. We went by there today and there was a small swimming pool on the lot. With such heavy clay content, it doesn't soak in...just stands there.

"The Bridge Over No Water"
This is the bridge to no where. It sits a short distance from the clay lot. It sits on the corner of a lot, near the road, but isn't over a stream or anything. Just sits there. Perhaps now with the rain, there might be something running down the cement culvert running under the bridge. The rain is supposed to be moving out tonight and tomorrow we'll have sunny skies and temps in the mid 70's. Should be a beautiful day !

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