You cross this beautiful bridge to get over to the island. It costs $3 for a day pass.
Once on the island, there are hotels, walking and biking paths, beaches, a historic district and two different sea turtle exhibits. One is by the local 4-H club and costs $2 p.p. This is a cute display and a nice way to support the 4-H club. The other facility is the Georgia Sea Turtle Center and is Georgia's first center for the care of sick and injured sea turtles. Here is where we met Pumpkin....

A 110# cutie pie !! There were about 8 tanks with dividers in each tank for the smaller turtles so they could share a tank. There was one huge sea turtle who had a tank all to himself. Inside the center there is a large window where you can watch surgical procedures being done on the turtles. There is a lot of great info in this facility and well worth the $6 p.p. admission fee. This facility does turtle research and they said that they are trying to develop a vitamin for turtles. Here is some other neat trivia on turtle hatching...

Here is what a turtle nesting area looks like. The turtles dig a deep hole and lay their eggs. Temperature is what will determine the sex of the baby turtle inside each egg. The warmer the egg, chances are it will be female. Cold eggs...boys. Just the placement of the egg, within this pile of eggs, will have a bearing on whether it will be female or male...depending on the warmth of the egg.

Only 1 in 4000 baby sea turtles will survive to adulthood.
If you get to the coastal area of Georgia, you might want to go check this place out. If you want to check out the facility on line, their web address is www.georgiaseaturtlecenter.org
We left Georgia and continued on to Bushnell. We arrived at the campground about 5:30 p.m. but had some complications getting into our site so weren't able to get everything set up before it got dark. We'll get up and finish up things in the morning. We're watching a little TV and relaxing after a week's worth of driving. Tomorrow we'll check out the campground and get things settled on our site. We're just off I-75 south and from what I've read we're only a few miles from the Webster Flea Market....the country's largest flea market with 4000 vendors. It takes place every Monday so we'll sure be sure to take that in this Monday.
Welcome to sunny, cold, raining, sunny Florida. I'll give you a call this morning and schedule a hug. Jim and Bobbie
So, you were wandering in my old stompin grounds. Don't forget to say hey to Jim and Bobbie for me. Nice to see Cindy & Wendy's cats -- cute. Oh yeah, Shall-OAT. See y'all.
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