Monday, February 1, 2010

Bump In The Road

Originally the weather forecast said that rain was going to be here this afternoon. We left, for the Webster Flea Market this morning around 10:30. While driving there my phone rang and turns out it was the repair shop calling...the place we were supposed to take our rig on Wednesday. Seems the main mechanic there went in the hospital over the weekend and won't be back to work for several weeks. UGH !! Can you believe it ? Unbelievable but there has been a full moon out and ya know that things go awry when there's a full moon. So.....we called Tri-Am RV Center, in Ocala and scheduled an appt there only we can't get in till Feb. 24th. Great, huh ? We had called them previously when we learned that the RV tech couldn't handle this large a job but they couldn't get us in till Feb 15th....guess we should have put ourselves on the schedule then. Now it'll be even later unless we get a call from our work to ship out to a new assignment and then we'll leave without getting the repairs completed. I think the thing that is really disappointing is that when Linda originally called Peterson Industries, our manufacturer, on the day the tech was here a guy in the service dept said he would do some calling around and see who might be able to get us in to work on the problem. You'll be surprised to know (or not)that we didn't get a call back from him. I feel like now that the original bumper to bumper warranty has expired, owners are left on their own to fend for themselves. Either that or that customer service isn't what it used to be in this business. Neither reason is acceptable. Businesses can make or break their business with the customer loyalty that they create. Pointing a customer in the direction of another service center is a reasonable expectation from a manufacturer.

In the meantime, we're hangin' out here. A lot of rain coming in this week. The weather man says it's an El Nino year which means rain comes in every five days. We're planning to go over to Old Town sometime this week which should be fun. I was there ten years ago and I really liked all the unique shops and the setting. Just need to time it right to get there in between rainy spells. We'll post more on that once we get there..

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