This is a picture postcard that we found at my mom's this weekend of my dad in Berlin in 1968. This is that trip I talked about in another post, where he went to Europe as part of a People to People tour dealing with agriculture. I asked my mom more about how dad heard of this trip and got to go. She said that some information came in the mail about it and dad was really interested in it but knew that with it happening in the middle of summer, it would conflict with getting the crops in and getting the haying done. She told him that if he wanted to go to do it....that she could get the field work done with all of us kids helping her. I asked her why she didn't go and why it was that dad loved to travel but that she never did much of it. She said she knew that they both couldn't go and she was willing to make the sacrifice so he could go. That really struck me as such a selfless thing to do for him. I know that this trip meant alot to him....he loved the experience.
And what a cool picture ! My dad is the one on the far right in the dark shades. He was 45 years old when he took this trip to Europe. He looks like he is having a ball. In the picture with him is Gershom Bunnell, of Meshoppen, PA on the left and Garner Mitchell, of Coudersport, PA in the middle.
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