Monday, June 8, 2009

Words To Live By....

Each time we hit the road we usually gather up some of our little stuff, around the rig, and put it away so it doesn't fall or break. Something I came across this last time, that we had stored for that very reason, was a little plaque that is very special to Linda and I. It now holds a prominent place on the ledge over my chair. It reads...

Every Day Brings....

more books to read,
more songs to sing,
more friends to hug,
more trips to plan,
more faces to kiss,
more reason to trust,
more people to love,
more life to discover.

This was a going away gift to us from our friend Karen, who we met in Baltimore. We don't get to see Karen much but this gift expresses to us our feelings about our new life on the road and the bounties of this life....more of everything ! We find that the longer we sit somewhere, the more our thoughts wonder to getting back on the road in search of our next adventure. Woven in their somewhere is also the thought can we intersect with our friends to see them for a bit (that's the "more friends to hug" part of the poem or perhaps the "more faces to kiss" part depending on how good a friend they are)...LOL
This is one of those times. We had some interviews today and another one tomorrow. We hope that very soon the "more trips to plan" part of this poem will be necessary and we'll be back on the road again..with "more life to discover".
It sounds like an Rv'ers credo and words that everyone might want to live by....Here's hoping that each of you have all the bounties that this poem speaks of, in your own life.

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