Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Caledonia Park

Today we decided to take the boys to run and then go to Caledonia State Park to hang out for a while. We got a table close enough to the water so Boomer could swim but still be tied up. Schroeder was perfectly content over near the picnic table with us. Linda and I played cards and developed some follow up questions for yesterday's interview that we can ask the next time we hear from them. After we'd been at the park for a little while, Linda's phone rang and it was the nursing agency she just signed on with in Mechanicsburg. They asked her to work tonight and she told them that it would take her till 4 to get there and they said that was fine. So we gathered up the cards (I think I was almost ready to win anyway) and headed home so she could get changed for work. She just called a little before 4 and said that she was almost there and had run into a heavy downpour that had everyone going really slow. They have been calling for thunderstorms to pop up in the area this afternoon.

Yesterday we had the last of our interviews. It went very well and they said that they would begin the background checks and references. We are excited about this position as it will accomplish several key things for us. First, it allows us to travel and see the country. Second, we get to work together at a job that will utilize skills that we each possess and last, but not's pays enough to pay our bills. That is the problem we've found with workamping jobs is that they don't pay enough to quite cover everything. The couple that interviewed us said that we would hear something within the next 10 days so we'll be anxiously awaiting that phone call. The other two jobs we interviewed for on Monday also went very well but not ideal jobs for us. We could and would do them (if offered) if we don't get this other job so we'll see what happens. Until something changes, Linda will keep working assignments from the nursing agency...they pay very well and it has been nice for her to be near her family here in Chambersburg.

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