Wednesday, June 3, 2009

On Tap....

Today was pretty uneventful. We had our black water tank pumped out this morning. We didn't think $20 was bad to get this done, although we've never had to have it done before. I wasn't real keen on how he did it but hopefully before we need to have it done again, we'll be on our way.
We took the dogs to a friends house to run in her fenced-in yard for a bit after that. It was just starting to rain when we got there so we didn't stay long. Linda's sister lives nearby so we went over there and visited for a bit before resuming our task of running errands. Found out about a Car Hop that the kids will be running this Saturday night as a fund raiser. The guys will have their hair slicked back...50's style and be going to the cars on roller skates to take the food and drink orders. The adults will be cooking up the food inside and giving it to the kids to deliver to the cars. Sounds like a fun time and something we might go to. We are having a cookout for some friends Saturday night so we might go to the Car Hop for "dessert". They will be serving up floats and milkshakes...sounds like a yummy dessert to me and a nice ending to burgers, pasta salad, deviled eggs and potato salad.

Stopped off at Lowes and Wal-Mart to pick up some other things we needed. Returned home and settled in for the afternoon. We got some calls and e-mails today to coordinate days and times for some interviews, which we are thrilled about. We haven't heard yet from the employer that we'd most like the job with. Should hear from them anytime.

Weather has been yucky today....temps are still nice. In the 70's but rain off and on. Last night we got a rousing thunderstorm which sent Boomer into "berserk" mode...and up into the bedroom he came. He is steadily getting worse with loud sounds. Tonight I'm watching a suspenseful movie, complete with Linda's shriek at one tense moment and that added to his agitation. We now have him tied to the pot and pan drawer so he isn't literally climbing the walls or trying to climb into my lap. Oh brother.....Movies with gunshots, glass breaking, screaming (on TV or that of Linda)makes him a basket case. Guess I'll have to switch from watching Assassin to watching Obama and Bo in the white house special on NBC. That will be more his speed....

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