Here’s my scarlet letter.
We finished up with this stage and then we had to wait till 11:30 for the surgery so we had several hours to kill. A couple friends of ours (Thank you Bobbie and Nancy) had suggested that we ask the parking crew and see if they had any RV hook-ups so we could bring the rig and stay there, if need be. They have 2 hook-ups but the guy said it might be a little tight because they are in a regular parking area. He
At 11:15 we went back across the street to the hospital and my surgery prep started at 11:30.
Debra (as seen in this picture) was my nurse and she is also the charge nurse, responsible for all of the nurses in the day surgery area. Super nice lady ! And she gets an A++ for her putting in the IV line in the back of my hand. That is one of the things I hate the most about surgery cause it hurts when they put it in. Not when Debra does it. So slick…Debra was explaining to us that Univ. of Colorado hospital is a “magnet” hospital, which means the nurses have a big say in what goes on in the hospital. They are not slaves to the doctors, like in most hospitals. The nurses have meetings with the doctors about the care of patients and there are pretty stringent guidelines that have to be met in order to have this distinction and UOC has gotten it for the last 4 years. We’ve been really impressed with the hospital staff and their style of healthcare.
Here is their mission statement….
My surgery was scheduled for 1:30 but another surgery got put in the schedule so I didn’t go until about 2:45. As Dr. Nicole explained to us, once in the ER she would use a small Geiger counter to locate the radioactive juice. She then inserted a blue dye that would get absorbed by the sentinel node and let her know which one to take out. She actually took 2 nodes out of my armpit and then proceeded to remove any cancer cells that were around the surgical site on my shoulder. Here’s what
Here’s the status board patient’s families can track their progress throughout surgery. It’s a really cool system.
My body does not do well with anesthesia. They gave me a anti-nausea patch behind my ear before the surgery and four different meds in my IV with anti-nausea medicine in it but none of them did the trick.
Linda is doing all the driving because just the act of holding the wheel would be very painful to me. I’m in charge of taking naps and doing a whole lot of nothing. Since our bedroom is in the loft, we’ve been pulling out the sleeper sofa so I can get in and out of a regular bed. Much easier than trying to crawl on my hands and knees to get into the loft. Linda drove 500 miles yesterday and we stayed at a truck stop last night. We have 1200 more miles to cover to get back home, in PA. We are in a waiting game again for the pathology report on the lymph nodes they took out. Could be up to 2 weeks before we hear if they got it all or if I will need more treatments. I suspect that if the cancer is found in the lymph nodes, then I will probably have a scan to see if the cancer has gone to any other part of my body. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that they got it all.
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes that I’ve seen on Facebook and on our blog…it means a lot. I’ll keep you posted as we hear more. Enjoy the rest of your weekend ! I think I hear the couch calling my name so TTYL.
Linda, I am following your posts, by the way your photographer is doing a good job. Praying your pathology comes out clean.
You two drive safe. ((Hugs))
Know that I am praying and thinking of you everyday. Keep the faith and please keep us posted! I didn't realize you would be headed back to PA....I'd be willing to come up and see you for a short visit if you are up to it.
Love ya! Tina
Thanks you so much for sharing your journey with us. Praying for good news!
Thanks for the update. We made it to WI today. Safe travels, we're with you in spirit and hoping for the very best outcome.
Love you both.
Glad it all went well and am hoping the report will show best results. I have a friend who's going through the same thing (she's just out of surgery, too). Take it easy on the road and heal well. I'm impressed with 500mi -- my rig is most comfortable at 300mi/dy, but it's way littler than yours. Linda B, take care of yourself, too.
We continue our prayers for great results. We think of you guys often and have positive thoughts on your outcome. Big Hugs! Tom and Donna
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