Thursday, July 23, 2009

Making Good Use of Our Time...

We're still in Amissville (a.k.a Abyss-ville).I call it this because our broadband card won't work on our computer and no TV reception. Wow, talk about a dead zone. We are trying to make good use of our down time though. Currently we are sitting in the parking lot waiting for a new back tire to be installed on our motorcycle. After a couple of calls we found a bike place in Culpeper that had the correct tire. Cute name...Culpeper. Makes me think of Barney Fife, Opie and the gang. Figure while we are here in Virginia that it would be cheaper to get a tire put on than it will be just outside of New York city. ya think ? So that is our current task.

I gave up on trying to install the converter box. Without any reception it was hard to tell if I had anything connected correctly or not. I usually leave the tinkering of electronic gadgets to my son. Thank God we don't have a VCR to set or anything too complicated. I just don't understand all those "Video In", "Aux out", plugs and do dads. Must be a guy thing that he knows and better yet, understands what he is doing. I figure since our next stop is a park right outside of New York City, we should be able to pick up all kinds of stations. If we don't I'll take a crack at it again. I have it strapped in and ready to go in the tuner compartment for when I try it again.

Still waiting for the parts for our rig to arrive. Should be here today or tomorrow. When we came back to the rig, we discovered that they have water and 50 amp service available next to us so we are hooked up to power and very comfortable. Just not using the water since we don't want any weight in the grey tank for when they need to strap it up. They haven't strapped it yet but we've cut the vinyl tubing for the guys to use to "soften" where the straps will intersect with the plastic of the tank and eliminate rubbing.

We're in downtown Culpeper now and going to a place called Frost Cafe for lunch. Looks like an old nostalgic place from the outside. We'll see if that is how it really is once we go in. More later....

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