Thursday, October 18, 2007

The wrong direction....

I had to tell you about the energy bill that Congress is about to pass. Most of it is great--gets us more solar and wind energy and even makes cars more fuel efficient. But there's one line in there that was added at the last minute that gives up to $50 billion for the nuclear industry. Enough money to launch a whole new generation of plants.

If you thought we had beat back nuclear power in the 70's, you're not alone. A bunch of musicians who fought nukes back then have picked up their instruments and started fighting again.

Click here to check out the music video and sign the petition:

Nukes present a real security threat and environmental hazard. We've got to get Congress to strip this money before they pass the energy bill.

Contact your congressmen and women and tell them that nuclear is not the way to go....


BC said...

I tried to check it out and sign the petition, but couldn't find it. The link didn't take me to that issue and it wasn't listed in the issues. Weird. I did sign a petition to protect social security, though. It's going to be a long time before I need it, but there are plenty of people out there now and in the near future who do/will.

BC said...

And before I forget to tell you... I also renewed my voter registration with my current address so I'm ok to vote.