Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hide and Seek

I was just trying to find something in our cupboards. Not a thing for the faint of heart…....and the place where you FOUND the item last time ISN’T the place where you’ll find it this time. Each time is like a scavenger hunt through the world of Tupperware, Ziploc bags, totes, tubs…any item that was ever invented to hold multiple items in one container. And let’s not forget electrical ties…These are the ties that NOT ONLY bind…but the ties that hold, sort, collate, gather, bundle and keep something held tightly. What did we ever do before all these things were invented ? Were our cupboards just haphazard messes of “stuff”, with no semblance of order and when you opened a cupboard door, things just fell out ? I don’t think so…………. But these were P.W. times….pre-Wal-Mart……….….before our obsession with needing lots of “things” that we thought we couldn't live without. A time of simplicity….…Wal-Mart displayed all these material possessions in such wonderful ways that we wondered how we’d made it this far in our lives without owning at least one of them. So after you gather multiple things, from the same closely related family (how many bottles of hand cream do you have in your cupboards ?), you need something to put them in. Because you know they do have a tendency to jump out of the cupboard when you open the door so you need to corral them with a plastic tub or a Ziploc bag. Plastic tubs come in a multitude of sizes….some have handles, some have perforated sides (perfect for areas where you need good drainage or ventilation), some have lids and they all come in a rainbow of colors. You can accessorize your cupboards and color coordinate, with your surrounding decor, at the same time. With Ziploc bags and tubs you have the added bonus of writing on it, in case, by looking through it you can’t tell what all those items are that are swimming around in there.
So…I lost at the scavenger hunt in our rig…I thought we owned what I was looking for….apparently it took up residence in another part of the RV or it was never there to begin with. Maybe it used to be in a Ziploc bag and now it’s in a plastic box…and I’m totally thrown off.


Donna McNicol said...

OMG!! You had me rolling with laughter on this one...boy do I ever know what you mean. Being an anal Type A personality, I am starting a notebook listing the cabinets, drawers and storage bays where I have stored things...and am moving to more clear tubs, totes, bins & shoeboxes. LOL!! Thanks for the laughter....

BC said...

Mom, you should write a book. You really have a knack. Reminds me of myself when I was your a--wait, that's not right.