Saturday, July 23, 2011

Critters Galore !

P7230006 We got up a little after six this morning and went to Yellowstone today. Drove a whole lot of miles and saw a whole bunch of pine trees. It was very cool this morning and stayed in the 70’s most of the day…..very comfortable temps. We are thinking about everyone that is suffering through the high temps in the rest of the country. Wow, we certainly picked a good time to be in Wyoming !P7230008

During our time in the park we saw: A momma grizzly with her two cubs, a moose, a few elk, and some bison that were grazing along the road on the way home. People sure go crazy when they see any animals along the side of the road. They stop their vehicles, sometimes still hanging out in the road and jump out to go see what is stirring around in the bushes. They all start pointing and getting their cameras out. We got to one area, on our way back home and there was such congestion that we couldn’t get through. Linda and I were tempted to stop somewhere and jump out of the truck, pointing and carrying on and see how many other people we could get to stop. Might have been quite funny….get a whole bunch stopped, gawking at nothing and then jump back in the truck and leave. Hehe….

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We really enjoyed seeing all of the hot springs, geysers and mud pots. I never realized there were so many different shP7230022apes, colors, configurations, etc. as what we saw today. The surface around each of these areas looked so fragile, like you’d fall right through if you stepped out on it but still there was bison poop all over the place. They must tread pretty lightly but it appears that whenever they do come around, it scares the poop out of them cause there was a whole lot of it out there. 

No trip to Yellowstone would be complete without a visit to Old Faithful…..We arrived an hour before the next “anticipated” eruption so we walked around to see the other geysers in the vicinity. The highest concentration of geysers, in the world is found right there. That’s where some of the pictures, of the geysers above, came from.



She put on quite a show. Started with a little puff and then kind of exploded into a tall plume. It was chilly today so there was so much steam that you couldn’t actually see any water spout….was still something we can cross off our bucket list. Very neat to see…..Been there…done that !

We love the opportunity to explore the area. Wonderful things to do and see, everywhere we go. We’ve got a seven day pass to Yellowstone so I’m sure we’ll go back again before it expires. So much to see in Yellowstone…

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