Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Scary Out There !

We have Sunday and Monday off so we decided to go to Chambersburg to visit Linda's family and pick up our car that we've had there for a few months. Linda's sister, Carol, invited us to go to the Marine Corp to the family Halloween party. She dressed up.....uh spooky stuff ! Do you see the family resemblance ? I think someone forgot to get out of the gene pool..All the kids got a big kick out of her....especially the boys. Linda's niece's kids were dressed up and entered the costume contest. Jayden won for his age bracket...he was dressed as an archery hunter, complete with play bow and arrows. His prize was favorite ! We opened up the purple one and he was having fun with that on the table top. I bet the Marine Corp will be sooo glad they gave that out as a prize when they go to clean that up !

We're going to stay till mid-day tomorrow and then head back with both vehicles. I don't know if we'll know how to act, driving a "normal" size car around the neighborhood. Will be pretty nice !

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